8.3. Responsibilities and Rights of Users and Stargram Chain

Responsibilities of Stargram chain:

  • Providing a secure and reliable platform for users to participate in the system.

  • Ensuring transparency and fairness in processing transactions and activities on the blockchain.

  • Protecting users' personal information and complying with data security regulations.

  • Ensuring the stability and performance of the system, including addressing technical issues and regular maintenance.

  • Providing support and resolving technical issues for users when necessary.

Rights of Stargram chain:

  • Financial benefits from fees or transaction charges on the system.

  • Control and management of the system, including making decisions on improvements and developments.

  • Collection and use of data to enhance user experience and improve service quality.

Responsibilities of users:

  • Adhering to the rules and regulations of the system, including refraining from fraudulent activities or legal violations.

  • Protecting personal information and not sharing sensitive information with any unauthorized third parties.

  • Contributing to the transparency and fairness of the system by providing feedback and reporting any technical issues or violations they discover.

  • Using the system responsibly and not negatively impacting its performance and stability.

Rights of users:

  • Access to services and features of the blockchain system.

  • Protection of personal information and privacy rights

  • Receiving support and resolution for technical issues from the Stargram chain.

  • Participation in decision-making and contributing opinions on improvements and developments of the system.

In summary, the responsibilities and rights of Stargram chain and users are relatively proportional and depend on maintaining transparency, fairness, and security of the blockchain system.

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